Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Michael Fuschino- career stalker

this guy is a piece of garbage....

Man gets probation for telephone harassment
Judge says he struggled to arrive at sentence appropriate for case

BALLSTON SPA -- Calling it a difficult decision, a judge sentenced a local man to probation rather than the jail time sought by prosecutors for harassing an elderly neighbor via telephone.

Village Court Judge Tom Schroeder said he grappled with how to punish Michael Fuschino, a repeat offender with a nearly 30-year history of harassing women. Fuschino was sentenced Monday to three years on probation after pleading guilty to aggravated harassment for repeatedly calling an 86-year-old neighbor on the phone, then hanging up.

Fuschino's record as a repeat offender shows jail is "just as ineffective" a deterrent in his case as probation, the judge said. Schroeder went against a request from District Attorney James A. Murphy III for jail time, choosing probation because it requires Fuschino to report to a probation officer for three years. The judge issued a five-year protection order that bars Fuschino from contacting the victim.

Fuschino, 48, was convicted 15 times between 1980 and 2006, including five times for aggravated harassment. He has been fined, spent time in jail and state prison and been on probation. He has also been found guilty of criminal contempt. His behavior ranges from hangup calls, mimicking a woman's voice to have his victim's power shut off and submitting false obituaries to local newspapers.

Fuschino's most recent victim has said he called her over the course of six years, never saying a word when she picked up the phone, and then hanging up. She figured out it was Fuschino when she overheard his father's voice speaking to him during a call.

Fuschino declined to comment while leaving the court.


Alan G. said...

I remember very clearly reading about this guy in the late 90's and watching it on the news. A stint in state prison obviously didn't help. This is a guy absolutely addicted to harrassing women in any and all forms possible. Will there ever be an end in sight?

Anonymous said...

I researched many things online and sometimes everything is not as black and white as it appears. There has to be more than meets the eye here. There always is. You know some people like to pick on people and when someone strikes back they are the ones that get in to trouble for it. I won't make no judgements to either condem or defend this man except I worked in New Jersey as a social worker for at least 5 years and I seen people that are abused in horrible ways strike back and there has to be people out there that are abusing this gentlemen somehow or I think his time incarcerated would have helped. Everyone should look at all the facts. Each case is different. I think if people would give this man a chance and stop insulting him, just read the article, it speaks for itself... I know if I was referred to as 'a piece of garbage' I would strike back too. If no one bothered people, people would not offend anyone else.. I happen to know that. I have more expereince in studying the human brain than most people that write these articles. I think everyone should reamain neutral.

The Rat Catcher said...

Mr. Anonymous...
Nice comment ,, except this dirtbag struck again.....
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Police: Threats violated probation

By LEIGH HORNBECK, Staff writer
Click byline for more stories by writer.
First published: Saturday, June 5, 2010

BALLSTON SPA -- A village man with a history of harassing acquaintances and neighbors violated the terms of his probation this week and may face two years in jail, authorities said.

Albany police arrested Michael Fuschino, 49, and charged him with aggravated harassment Wednesday after he allegedly sent threatening e-mails to a manager at Jillian's bar on North Pearl Street, Albany.

Bail was set at $2,500. He was sent to the Saratoga County jail.

Fuschino was already on probation after he pleaded guilty in January to the same charge. In that case, Fuschino admitted he made hang-up calls to an 86-year-old neighbor over six years' time.

According to the terms of his probation imposed by Village Court Judge Tom Schroeder, Fuschino was not to be arrested and he was supposed to seek mental health counseling. Saratoga County District Attorney James Murphy III said Fuschino never sought counseling.

Fuschino faces the prospect of a jail sentence if found guilty of violating probation. He would be sentenced to a year, the maximum he would have served if Schroeder had given him jail time instead of probation. If he is convicted of the new harassment charge, he faces a maximum of a year in jail.

Murphy said he is working with his counterpart, Albany DA David Soares, to see Fuschino serve consecutive jail terms if convicted on both charges. Murphy would not explain the details of messages Fuschino sent, but said they intended to cause alarm and annoyance and targeted specific people.

Fuschino was arrested when he went to meet with his probation officer in Ballston Spa. After he was processed in Albany, police took him to his Prospect Street home where his computer was confiscated.

Fuschino was convicted 15 times between 1980 and 2006, including five times for aggravated harassment.

Anonymous said...

I agree this man is a freak. Makes me crazy that the law is the way it is. He should be somewhere other than out in the public.

Anonymous said...

cant believe this guy isnt in jail,i see him at crossgates mall all the time.

Anonymous said...

Michael Fuschino used to hang out at game rooms at the mall (Barrel of Fun) and pinch teenagers behinds. I was one of them. We complained but they just threw him out of there, but he was back in the next week. We used to call him "Frogger Man" because that was his favorite game.
He is most definately nuts and will most likely NEVER leave women alone.

Anonymous said...

I definitely remember Barrell Of Fun like it was yesterday. Frogger one of the most popular games at the time. I also remember Michael Fuschino, he'd come in at night usually and play 4 or 5 games of Frogger. I use to watch cause he was very good at the game. He would come in by himself, I heard his dad use to go shopping while he was playing. I never seen him pinch any teenagers, although I witnessed several teenager girls ask him for quarters to play they use to sexually tease him flirtatious talk to him and he would not say much only to refuse to give them money. A few reported incidents that were untrue cause I was watching, I was the night change man. He would be harassed and falsely accused of many incidents I know were untrue. The only thing I could contribute this to was Michael Fuschino would generally keep to himself and shop in the mall with his dad. Teenagers must have picked up on this and harassed him.

Anonymous said...

I read many things about Michael Fuschino, at first I beleved them then I did further research. Michael Fuschino was a student at Schenectady County Community College and he was taken advantage of hundreds of times by a Schenectady resident named Neysa E Ribeca who would steal his money and read about him and claim he was her stalker yet the next day she'd ask him for money again. She has a multitude of prostitution convictions in Schenectady, she was arrested for criminal impersonation for impersonating a Schenectady police officer in attempts to get him to bring money to her Mont Pleasant home. She was kicked out of Schenectady and Altamont, she moved to Vermont and was charged with sexual harassment. That's the type of people who'd harass Michael Fuschino. Neysa Ribeca is a scam artist, near sexual defiant and from what we observe is much more a criminal than Michael Fuschino.

Anonymous said...

I am news bluff I recall reading about Michael Fuschino in 1997 and seen several news clips about him on ch.6. I also remember a woman in Schenectady named Neysa Ribeca, I know her because she lived in Schenectady NY in the late 90s I actually seen her several occasions in places in Schenectady relentlessly ask Fuschino for money, if he didn't give it to her the next day I'd read about him im the paper for stalking her. One incident stands out in my mind. I was at Sneaky Pete's in Saratoga Springs, oh gee it had to be 18 or 19 years ago this woman Neysa Ribeca was constantly intimidating him for money. I watched her push the poor guy into the window over by the front door. Come on gee, stalking for real is bad enough but when a prostitute like Neysa Ribeca has to make it up to get the poor guy in trouble that's another thing. To make matters worse she pushed him through a window. Michael Fuschino may not be a saint but Neysa Ribeca is not only a prostitute of low demeanor but a person who takes advantage of someone who she knew it would be very easy to do. Here we are nearly 20 years later Neysa Ribeca has moved from New York State to Vermont, has been arrested many more times, including charges of sexual harassment and has been declared mentally unfit to stand trial and last I read is institutionalized in Bennington Vermont. This is the type of petson who harasses Michael Fuschino and he's the one targeted as a stalker. The legal system should wake up and realize who the victim here is. Neysa Ribeca has falsely accused Fuschino of stalking her and intimidated him into giving her thousands of dollars, and look where she is now? Why is justice blind?

Anonymous said...

Weren't you fired Barrel Of Fun a short time later? I witnessed you asking Michael Fuschino for quarters to play Frogger, he use to give you a couple then refused is that when you accused him of pinching your behind? I was also playing games when he was, never seen him pinch anyone, but I did see him being harassed and asked for quarters all the time, usually by teenage girls. Very peculiar.

Unknown said...

I just got off the phone with this asswipe's latest victim. We lost a phone and posted it in the lost and found on Craig's list. We went back and forth several times through CL email address. He (posing as her) refused to give me a personal email address or phone number. Was trying to get me to go to Vermont from NY to retrieve the phone. I knew it felt spidey senses were up!! Sure enough, he's been sending numerous people to this woman's house. He posted her $10k car on CL for $3,000 and had a line of people at her house. He told one woman that she had her lost cat and the woman came to her home crying when she found out that the cat wasn't there. This guy needs to be put away!!

Legal Consultant 1997-2018 said...

This woman (Neysa E. Ribeca) (latest so called victim) who lived in Schenectady moved away she tried one last time to get money from this guy and when that didn't work she posed as him posing as herself to have people run up her Vermont home usually answering Craigslist ads from NY. She's clever this Neysa Ribeca woman. I researched her I found out she once was arrested for impersonating a Schenectady officer to intimidate this guy to run down to bring money to her house. There's 4 people in Schenectady who remember seeing her in the late 90s meeting up with this guy and taking money from him in restaurants and bars. If he was stalking her why go meet him? She got thousands of dollars from him and then when he had enough she cries 'stalker' sends people to her own house saying he did it to get him in trouble. Neysa E. Ribeca was expelled from SCCC and a college in Vermont, she was most recently arrested for violating a court order to stay away from her son and his school was arrested for violating a court order and harassment, she was also hospitalized in a psychiatric hospital because she was found incompetent The guy she accuses may not be perfect but he's far from the dirtbag she makes him out to be. She is also a multi convicted prostitute in Schenectady New York and arrested in Vermont beware this scam woman known as Neysa E. Ribeca, the unknown person was rightsomeone needs to be put away and its Neysa E. Ribeca

Punk4Evr said...

He was banned from crossgates mall for stalking women. He was stalking a assistant manager at Babbages. I wonder if they ever tried to tie him to susann lyall.

Anonymous said...

One thing always stands always stands out on my mind. Me and my wife were dining at the Burger King off State Street in Schenectady and I remember seeing Michael Fuschino drinking a soda, after about 10 minutes this young woman comes in, appeared to be a Puerto Rican woman in her early 20's. I over heard her ask Fuschino about 5 or 6 times for money and she promising to make it up to him if had given or loaned her the money. Me and my wife later left the restaurant and did a little research, the woman matched a description of a recently arrested city woman for solicitation, her name was Neysa E. Ribeca. In 2018 she was arrested in Vermont for refusing to stay away from someone who had a restraining order against her. That's when I realized for sure theres always two sides to every story. Was Fuschino stalking her or was it the other way around. Makes one wonder.

Anonymous said...

There is nothing funnier than watching Mike Fuschino defend his own story by pretending to be all of these different people.

He just got picked up again for aggravated harassment in Vermont. Maybe the Vermont justice system won't be as lenient as NY has been and they'll put this guy away where he belongs.

Defend this one, Mike.

Anonymous said...

I read all these messages and it definitely appears the ones that defend Mike are labeled anonymous which could be anyone, so I did a little research of my own and yes Mike Fuschino was arrested in Vermont, isn't that where this woman with the multiple prostitution arrest and convictions lives. Now if Michael Fuschino is pretending to be all these people, explain why all these incidents he points out are all true, this Neysa Ribeca woman does have multiple prostitution arrest and convictions and I happened to speak to people (at least 4) who witnessed Ribeca meet up Fuschino numerous times to ask him for money, now I know if someone was really stalking me I wouldn't keep meeting up with them to ask for money. Her criminal history speaks for itself. May or may not be Michael Fuschino but one thing is for sure this woman who claims he is stalking her repeatedly stole money from him and was arrested for it. She even contacted him as recent as 2019, countless times there's proof of that. Have a great day and make sure you get your facts straight.

Anonymous said...

I saw Mike! in Washington DC today, his face was on someone's shirt. I remember all the times I saw him at Barrel of Fun in the Pyramid Mall causing trouble. He even took poop and smeared it on the frogger machine, then he pinched a girl in the butt and ran in to the bathroom. He came out, his hair was messed up and sweaty. God only knows what this creep was do in there, but it begins with a m, ends with a n, and the middle is asturbatio.

Anonymous said...

Interesting. If this anonymous poster isn’t Mike!, it seems very odd that someone who isn’t Mike! would waste their time talking to four people who saw this Neysa woman (who we all know Mike! moved to Vermont solely to stalk) ask him for money four times. More interesting is how they would know that she contacted him at specific time (2019).

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hey! That's not me, but someone should be paying royalties to me for using the photo on a shirt. I mean to Mike Fuschino. Who's not me.