Saturday, April 3, 2010

Thomas Hendricks SCUMBAG


Man accused of killing two pet dogs
Cops say a third animal badly injured; domestic disturbance led to find

SCHENECTADY -- The 28-year-old city man accused of torturing to death two small dogs and badly burning a third one over the past two months has an extensive criminal history, according to police and court records.

Thomas Hendricks II was arraigned Tuesday on three counts of felony aggravated animal cruelty and misdemeanor menacing in connection with the alleged crimes, which occurred on three separate occasions -- the most recent incident of which occurred on Sunday, according to the criminal complaint.

City Court Judge Vincent Versaci set bail at $2,500. He said the Schenectady man, who is married, has 10 prior convictions for a variety of offenses, including unlawful imprisonment, menacing and several charges of harassment.

Comment on this story in the Crime Confidential blog.

Police learned of the alleged abuse after responding to a domestic dispute call Monday at the Hendricks home at 122 Front St. in the city's Stockade area.

Police say the first dog was killed sometime during the second week of December after Hendricks apparently became upset after a female long-haired dachshund named Beary urinated in the house.

He is accused of drowning the animal in a bathtub by holding her nose and mouth under water and then "squeezing" the animal to death.

A second animal, a female toy poodle named Carmella, was badly burned on her legs and backside on Jan. 12 when Hendricks allegedly held her under scalding hot water. Police also said he pulled the hair from the dog's legs.

The most recent incident occurred on Sunday when Hendricks allegedly killed another long-haired dachshund named Fudge by hitting the animal once with a pool stick.

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