Sunday, March 24, 2013

Ralph Reed Lied or Uninformed

Whether he lied or was uninformed, you just can't go on national television on a show like MEET THE PRESS and say this. Of course David Gregory let him slide out without correcting him on this, nor did anyone else. Fact of the matter is that Adam Lanza's mother DID NOT BUY a rifle AND GIVE IT TO HIM. He stole it, murdered her, then went to CT.

Transcript from Meet The Press

"Our organization doesn't work on this issue so I'm speaking only for myself. But I think the devil will be in the details. Look, this bill already exempts family transfers. So Newtown doesn't even get prevented by this. The mother could go out and buy an assault weapon, because Harry Reid has already said that's not going to pass in the Senate, and she can give it to her son. That's what happened in Newtown; it happens under whatever the Senate--"

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